LinkedIn scams 2013 – Global executive associates

LinkedIn scams 2013– Global executive associates
Lately I’ve been flashed with ads from LinkedIn with some quite attractive jobs from a certain recruitment agency. There is a company named ‘Global Executives Associates’ who is looking to hire a ‘project consultant’. The title in the advertisement headlines: ‘project consultant $165K + 20% PRB’ – Even friends and colleagues sent the job to me and said I should look in to this. I must admit, it’s a good salary for the Amsterdam market right now and I went and had a look if this could be something for me. You can have a look on the job-ad below:
Here is a screenshot of the fake advertisement:
I always had the idea that if something looks too good to be true, it’s usually not true. So, before applying for a job I always do my homework. Now, let’s check this company a bit further.
Global executives associates – I found their homepage and started reading about them. They present themselves as ‘..a firm of professional recruitment specialists operating from London but with Recruitment Directors located within most major cities worldwide’. You can check it yourself at:
I must admit I had some laughs.
What is wrong here? Let’s play the find 10 mistakes game:
1) Their webpage looks like it’s created by a 13 year old. And, to be honest I probably insult a great deal of 13 year olds here. It’s terrible!
2) Wouldn’t a serious recruitment agency have a logo? Heck, even I got a logo as freelancer. No logo here. And this company has been in the game for twenty years and got offices in over forty world-wide locations! You would think having a logo should be covered in their brand management strategy. They do have highlights of their name though. Impressive! 😉
3) There are no phone numbers listed for contacting Global Executives Associates on the website. Only email addresses. So, wait. Clients and candidates would have to use email only. Right!
4) I did check some of their executives listed on their homepage. JK Collingwood for instance. There is no mention about this person on Linkedin. I then randomly checked 5-6 other names of people who supposedly works there. And guess what. None of these recruiters or employees are on LinkedIn. In 2013 I seriously doubt there are recruiters NOT on LinkedIn. At least not many of them. There is no ‘Klein Zimmer’ in Zurich or ‘Lian Altun’ in Amsterdam. Fishy? Yes!
5) They list 43 worldwide locations. All their branch offices are listed with no address and a quick Google search of the Amsterdam office doesn’t give any hits. Neither are there any hits at the Dutch Chamber of commerce. (KVK). So, where’s that Amsterdam office? And, how do they actually do business from Amsterdam without being registered at KVK?
6) Their main office is located in London. The address is 29th Floor, One Canada Square, Canary Wharf, London. This building is rented (owned?) by Regus. I am curious to call Regus and check about the company, but can almost guarantee they will reply that Global executives is not one of their clients.
7) The domain name is registered in 2009 for the first time. (Do a ‘who is’ lookup). No direct admin contact listed, but admin listed through Entanet. Most likely they actually have paid extra for having a network provider listed as admin contact and not a contact person at their company directly. And for a firm that has ‘been established for 20 years’ it’s kinda odd that they first registered their domain in 2009. Don’t you think? Also, which recruitment-company in the UK that has been operating for over 20 years’ do not have a ‘’ address? The domain is still free and you can pick it up for less than 10 euros 😉
8) Jean Collingwood is listed as founder. But, I only find two Jean Collingwood on Linkedin and they are both unrelated to Global executive associates. A search on the other founder, Paul Lynch is also unsuccessful. For the LinkedIn hits I find for good old Paul Lynch none of them are associated with ‘global executive associates’. What a shocker…
9) Their privacy policy on their homepage redirects to a subdomain listed under – namely – It’s nothing wrong with WordPress – as a matter of fact – WordPress is a fantastic tool, but listing your subdomain on an official webpage for a firm that’s been around for 20 years is a major mistake.
10) All available jobs are posted October 17th. No jobs are posted before that date. Have a look yourself. – Isn’t that funny?
In other words. A big SCAM. For potential candidates that might apply for their jobs the purpose is probably to collect their CV’s and maybe resell these to other agencies. Or they might trick the candiate in to pay some kind of ‘admin fee’ to proceed with the application before setting up an interview etc. It wouldn’t surprise me if Western Union would be the preferred payment method as well.
For clients it’s probably a up-front ‘search fee’ or something similar.
You would think that LinkedIn do some quality research before they let anyone advertise, but it looks like revenue is the driving factor here. We can add this to the list of Linkedin scams 2013.
So you have been warned. Not everything that glitters is gold…
This group has been reported to Linkedin multiple times because of the scam operation they are running. There are lists of people that have filed official complaints against Linkedin, but Linkedin is not taking any action against this group.
I wonder what the legal repercussions are for Linkedin knowing they have a group stealing people’s resumes (i.e information) from users other then for what they have listed (i.e. employment opportunities).
With this group paying Linkedin fees to post these jobs, that means this scam is paying off well for whoever is behind it. And/Or, someone internal to Linkedin’s fraud department is getting paid off by this scam organization…what else would cause Linkedin to keep a known scammer on their site?
I was a victim of the Global Executive Associates / Academy of Business Strategy scam. I did not send money, but they got a lot of my personal information.
My story is described at
I have gathered more information and hope to collaborate with other victims and investigators to bring the fraudulant criminals to justice. My info is in the form of an Excel document and a few .txt documents, which I will happily email to others.
The following forums also discuss the matter:
Recruitment scam “Global Executive Associates”?
IS Global Executive Associates a scam job placement group?
Global Executive Associates – Lagos (Nigeria) – Anybody know anything about them?
Fake Companies
And a friend sent me a copy of an article from UK magazine PRIVATE EYE
The Academy of Business Strategy – Putting the “Con” into Consultancy…
(I can email the .pdf to anyone interested).
I posted a complaint to$0.00
I posted a complaint to, but it was taken down without notifying me.